Monday, April 23, 2007

I'M BACK...AGAIN!!!!!!!

I've been off the blog circuit for such a long time but so much has happened in the time that I was gone. Been working hard, I've had to go home to take care of my family and various other things. I stayed very current with the music as far as it went for myself but neglected my poor blog. But that's all about to change. Right now I'm truly back and ready to give many updates...whether you heard them or not.

This is where you all come in. My hand in html really bites at the moment and I need some help. I've started the reconstruction phase of my blog for the summer and now I am missing somehting. I am in desperate need of a banner and don't know how to do one really. Also I don't know the proper html protocol to post it up on my page so if anyone has any banner designs for the lair that would be great. Also I would need someone with the know how to help me with the proper html tags. I assure you all though this is about to be alot of fun again. Time to go let everybody know that I'm back.

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