Thursday, August 10, 2006

So on the Christina matter.....

I've gone across the endless Oasis of blogs and see that no one is willing to put up this already leaked album. I'm only assuming that this is because it a BMG release and they are hounds and people want to survive in this blogging day and age. I would like to say that I'm not scared and post what I have of it, but I'm smart. Now, if anyone, would like to email the whole version to me that would be fine, but that's a different story. LOL But yes, is there any other reason people are relenting when it comes to sharing Christina's album? I'd love to hear some feedback. I guess this is the one album that bloggers feel would deter in albums sales if it were leaked. I believe that, from what I've heard of it, it shall be a masterpiece.

BTW, if someone really does want to share though, email me at, that would be great.


ChrisPix said...

Actually, u were right the 1st time. Most ppl don't post Xtina's album because they don't want their blog taken down. Oh, and if you want A LOT of music, you should join this forum:

jpdaboss said...

Chris is right. Toya was around for a very long time before she ultimately and wrogfully got shut down by Atlantic Records (for posting Cassie's non singin ass). Bloggers like Toya and myself put a lot of time and effort into our work and we don't want it to go away over somebody's album. Especially since the RIAA is on a witch hunt right now. You can go out there and say that you ain't scared at all and all that BS but just wait until you're contacted by the Link Stalker...

Word to the wise, don't go making bold claims like that, it'll only draw attention to the link stalker and you'll get picked off next, I'd hate to see someone who was inspired to be shut down. Smart people will know where to get their albums and all that good shit from, no need to put it out there (that's exposure for the link stalker to SNITCH)